Exploring The Importance Of Air Conditioner Maintenance

Hello, my name is Darby Aldrich. I would like to talk to you about the importance of maintaining your air conditioning system. When I moved to a hot climate, I did not realize how vital having a running air conditioner was for living comfortably. When the unit just stopped working one day, the temperature inside the house rivaled the piping hot weather outdoors. We had to go to the community center to keep the kids from feeling sick. While we were gone, we had a local HVAC contractor fix the unit. She let us know that some simple maintenance tasks would prevent that situation in the future. I will use this site to closely explore those tasks in great detail. I hope you can use the information to keep your air conditioner running like new. Thanks.

5 Advantages Of Using Oil Heat In Your Home Or Business


If it's time to upgrade your HVAC or heating system, and you're wrestling with the options, oil is still a great way to go. Even if you're purchasing a home that uses oil to heat the property, you can rest assured your investment is sound. No matter what your situation, it's important to inform yourself of the many advantages that come with using home heating oil.


Oil is a stable resource, much more so than natural gas, so using it to heat your home is perfectly safe. Oil is also non-explosive, so you don't have to worry about it igniting around a flame.

Oil doesn't burn or give off any vapors while in a liquid state. Gas does, however, and if you have a leak, it releases non-odorous vapors that can be harmful or fatal if not detected right away. Not only that, those vapors are explosive, posing an added danger to the household.

Oil may give off a smell if something is wrong with the furnace, and this causes concern in some homeowners. But being able to detect an odor is actually a good thing. If you smell something coming from your furnace, it should be checked right away. But rest assured, the fumes that are ingested before repairs are made are non-toxic and non-carcinogenic.

When they're installed correctly, oil furnaces do not release any dirt and soot, either. And if you decide to upgrade to a newer furnace, you'll be glad to know they're more environmentally friendly than ones from generations past.


Oil doesn't release methane gas as it burns, making it a clean choice for your home or business. If you have a modern oil heating unit, you also don't have to worry about it giving off smoke or any other combustible substance. So oil can still be considered a green option in that sense.  


If you've ever walked into a home or business that uses oil heat, you've probably noticed right away as it makes the air cozy and warm. This is due to the fact that oil gets a lot hotter than other fuel sources, and the difference is felt in your home and comfort level. In fact, you'll not only feel warmer when you use oil, you'll feel warmer faster.

This is so important if you have an area of your home or business that gets a lot of traffic coming and going. Frequently opening and closing doors can let the cold air in and the warm air out. So having the ability to heat the property quickly will be an advantage.

Cost Effective

Because oil warms your home quickly, oil furnaces are a cost-effective choice for heating.

Gas furnaces are also efficient, but they're more expensive to install. As a matter of fact, they can run up to 25% more than an oil furnace. The prices of natural gas have been rising over the years, too, making it a less desirable option for many homeowners.

Furthermore, gas many not even be an option in your area, in which case going with oil is a great way to save money.


Those who use propane to heat their homes have to take a number of extra precautions in sub-freezing temperatures to ensure their homes don't lose heat. When it drops below freezing, the vapor pressure inside the tank can drop, which will keep your system from working efficiently. In extreme conditions, a propane tank can actually freeze, preventing your system from working altogether.

With an oil furnace, you can simply talk to your HVAC contractor about using a mixture of diesel and kerosene to lower the freeze point. Also, there are additives you can use that keep the oil from freezing and gelling and could also prevent the growth of bacteria in your tank and lines.


15 December 2017