Exploring The Importance Of Air Conditioner Maintenance

Hello, my name is Darby Aldrich. I would like to talk to you about the importance of maintaining your air conditioning system. When I moved to a hot climate, I did not realize how vital having a running air conditioner was for living comfortably. When the unit just stopped working one day, the temperature inside the house rivaled the piping hot weather outdoors. We had to go to the community center to keep the kids from feeling sick. While we were gone, we had a local HVAC contractor fix the unit. She let us know that some simple maintenance tasks would prevent that situation in the future. I will use this site to closely explore those tasks in great detail. I hope you can use the information to keep your air conditioner running like new. Thanks.

How To Treat Your New HVAC Unit That's Replacing The Current One


If your central HVAC unit needs to be replaced, then there are things that you want to know that may help you keep the new one in great shape for as long as possible and to ensure it continues working efficiently. Here are some tips you want to keep in mind with the replacement of your new unit.

Have the unit placed on a concrete pad in a clean area

If the unit you are replacing wasn't sitting on a concrete pad, it should have been. Clear out a good space around the area where the concrete pad will go. Make sure that all brush and other foliage is going to be at least a few feet from the concrete pad and the unit once they are both installed. This will help you keep the inside of the housing cleaner to prevent an array of issues. There will be vents in the sides of the housing unit that will allow some air to enter the housing, but other things can get inside as well, so keep the area clean.

Having the concrete pad under the unit will keep the unit in place, protecting it from ground shifts. You do want to make sure you have good drainage going from the pad so water won't remain on the ground around the concrete pad, which can cause the actual pad to shift or sink, thus creating the same problem you were trying to avoid in the first place.

Have shade to offer the unit

If you run your air conditioning when the blazing sun is shining down on it, then the motor is going to get a lot hotter. This can cause the system to work under harsh conditions, which can increase your chances of needing to call a tech out to fix problems that may occur.

There are many ways this shade can be offered. For one thing, if the sun doesn't end up shining on the unit during the heat of the day due to the side of the house it has been installed on, then you really don't need to worry about this. However, if this isn't the case, then you might want to have a portion of your homes roof brought out enough to offer the shade.

An awning is something else you might consider having installed. A tree can offer the shading, but you want to be sure you pick up after it so the leaves and twigs don't cause the problems noted above with regards to getting in the housing.

When you're ready to install your new HVAC, contact an HVAC replacement contractor near you.


19 March 2020