Exploring The Importance Of Air Conditioner Maintenance

Hello, my name is Darby Aldrich. I would like to talk to you about the importance of maintaining your air conditioning system. When I moved to a hot climate, I did not realize how vital having a running air conditioner was for living comfortably. When the unit just stopped working one day, the temperature inside the house rivaled the piping hot weather outdoors. We had to go to the community center to keep the kids from feeling sick. While we were gone, we had a local HVAC contractor fix the unit. She let us know that some simple maintenance tasks would prevent that situation in the future. I will use this site to closely explore those tasks in great detail. I hope you can use the information to keep your air conditioner running like new. Thanks.

Dealing With Foggy Windows? Your A/C Could Be To Blame


It's not out of the ordinary to see a little fog on your window now and again, especially after cooking, showering or performing any other activity that adds moisture to your home's air. What isn't normal is seeing your window completely covered in condensation.

If the latter is a frequent problem, your air conditioning system could be to blame for it. The following offers a detailed explanation as to why, along with some useful tips on how to deal with the condensation problem with air conditioner repair.

How Your A/C Causes Foggy Windows

While your A/C system is tasked mainly with keeping your home cool and comfortable, it also pulls double-duty as a dehumidifier of sorts. As it pulls the latent heat from the surrounding air, it's also condensing moisture along with it. That's because as temperatures fall, so does the air's dew point or the amount of moisture it's capable of holding at a certain temperature. It's a process that works relatively smoothly, at least as long as the A/C system is properly sized for your home's particular cooling needs.

The problem comes when you install an A/C system that has too much cooling capacity for your home to handle. Oversized A/C systems can cool off a home too quickly, allowing indoor temperatures to climb quickly enough to create short-cycling issues. This also means the A/C won't run long enough for it to dehumidify the surrounding air, leaving it moisture-laden.

When high-humidity air contacts the comparatively colder window surface, it leaves behind large amounts of condensation. Heavy amounts of condensation can leak through window frames, soak into the surrounding wood or even become trapped within the spaces in between double-pane windows.

What Can Be Done About It

Fortunately, your home isn't a lost cause when it comes to excess humidity. Here are a few things you can do that'll not only clear up excess humidity issues leading to window condensation, but they'll be able to prevent this problem from occurring in the near future:

  • Break out the dehumidifier – In many cases, dehumidifiers are the best and easiest way of dealing with excess humidity in home spaces. Unlike air conditioners, dehumidifiers are completely dedicated to condensing and removing excess moisture. During the summer, relative humidity levels should stay below 55 percent for the best available comfort.
  • Ventilate your indoor spaces – Something as simple as opening a window can help push humid, stale air out of your home and allow fresh air to circulate. Ventilation is crucial when dealing with moisture-laden indoor air.
  • Adjust your thermostat – in some cases, you may have to set your thermostat a few degrees higher in order to avoid window condensation, especially when extreme indoor and outdoor temperatures are occurring. If your home is equipped with ceiling fans, then you can raise your thermostat without suffering any perceived loss in overall comfort and gain additional energy efficiency in the process.
  • Right-size your A/C system – If your current A/C system is too big, consider replacing it with a new, properly-sized model. Make sure your contractor follows the Manual J and Manual S guidelines when selecting and installing your new cooling system.

Other Points to Consider

Although your A/C system can play a pretty big role in creating window condensation, it's not the only source of grief. Poor indoor insulation, sharp and sudden temperature changes and leftover moisture releasing from brand-new construction materials can all cause window condensation to occur. Poorly-installed windows can also be a source of condensation issues, especially for double-pane windows.

Keeping these points in mind can save you plenty of time and headache when dealing with foggy windows. 


3 April 2015